
  • Private: Certification by the team – Redwork and Bluework
    Book: Leadership is Language bookAuthor: David Marquet Page 43 Finding that balance and doing both kinds of work effectively requires shifting deliberately, as a team, from one to the other. On the submarine, we would hold a thinking, embrace-variability session called a “certification by the team.” During the certification, variability was encouraged. What do people … Continue reading "Private: Certification by the team – Redwork and Bluework"
  • Private: Trigger for Evolution of Team Topologies: Software Has Grown Too Large for One Team
    Book: The Team Topologies Book Author: Matthew Skelton and Manuel PaisPage(s): 165 Symptoms • A startup company grows beyond fifteen people (Dunbar’s number). Other teams spend lots of time waiting on a single team to undertake changes.• Changes to certain components or workflows in the system routinely get assigned to the same people, even when they’re … Continue reading "Private: Trigger for Evolution of Team Topologies: Software Has Grown Too Large for One Team"