
  • Private: ROI does not take into consideration is agility itself (2 of 3)
    The Art of Business ValueMark Schwartz Page 12 Perhaps Leffingwell is even understating the case when he says that quantifying returns is difficult. The practical aspects of projecting returns are daunting. For example, the product owner may project revenue increases for a particular feature, but what happens if a competitor copies that feature? Does the … Continue reading "Private: ROI does not take into consideration is agility itself (2 of 3)"
  • Private: Local Government and Solidarity – 1 of 2
    Book: The Origins of Political Order bookAuthor: Francis FukuyamaPublished: 2011 Page 404 We noted in chapter 16 how tribal social organization had broken down in Europe under the impact of Christianity long before the modern state building project began. Nowhere was this process more advanced than in England, where, starting with the mission of St. … Continue reading "Private: Local Government and Solidarity – 1 of 2"